Unlock Potential
Boost Productivity
Achieve Goals
Enjoy your work
Executive and Senior Management Coaching
We do a one-on-one needs analysis which quickly helps us to understand the needs
of your Executives and Senior Managers. In this way we build trusting coaching relationships
that rapidly deliver measurable benefits to both management and the business.
Due to promotions and rapid changes that take place in any business, your Executives
and Senior Managers in every sector need regular coaching programmes that provide
a focused and effective way to empower them to meet the specific challenges they
face and deliver a significant shift in their own performance.
Coaching is required to assist your Executives and Senior Managers to
- lead a demanding change or restructuring programme effectively
- make a real difference to their personal and business performance
- generate future strategic opportunities
- provide new ideas and approaches to solving business problems
- stimulate entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour
- achieve long-term aspirations
- manage their priorities in and out of work and improve their work-life balance
- prepare for and make the transition to their next role.
Individual coaching
Coaching is not about telling people what they must do or how they must change.
A coach uses insightful questioning that enables you and your management to identify
your own insights, solutions and action plans.
Overall Goal
Your team will operate as a highly performing, successful, output-driven unit. This
journey generally comprises focused sessions over a few months as we believe this
cannot be achieved in a single day of “rah-rah” teambuilding.
Leadership Skills. Fine-tune your leadership skills and the whole company
will follow.
Team Management. Enable your Senior Managers to effectively and efficiently
manage their teams.
Strategy Tools. Get help with running great strategy sessions that ensure
better results.
Decision Making. Handle large volumes of critical decisions at different
levels without procrastination.
Problem Solving. Assist your staff in highlighting and tackling challenges
Time Management. Ensure that all staff at all levels of your business understand
and embrace productivity and use the correct tools to acquire the desired results.
Project Management. Customise tools and systems for your different departments
to ensure that projects are managed correctly.
Stress Management. Ensure less downtime and illness by getting to grips with
your organisation’s stress management and wellness programmes.
Communication Skills. Run effective meetings and ensure that IT systems and
reporting enhance your organisation’s performance.